
No snapping open casket photos, please. That's lazy. If you're going to take pictures of your deceased loved one, have the decency to put the effort into making it a nice family portrait. Keep it classy!

"Eh, a season with the Browns wouldn't be so bad."

Vin Scully might be more hour to hour.

Word! Both of my parents were children of alcoholics and suffered a pretty horrific amount of physical and emotional abuse growing up. They were both able to break the cycle and were terrific parents to my brother and me. A lot of my friends can't say the same and, as I've become an adult, I realize how fortunate I am

One might think we would have learned better after all those emails forwarded to us by our creepy, racist uncle.

The Webb will help SETI because it will be sensitive enough to see the transit spectrum of exoplanet atmospheres. This will let us know what planets have chemicals that are needed to support life, like water, and what planets have chemicals that arise from biological processes, like methane. If we know which planets

The potential insight this could give SETI has me giddy. In all sincerity, I can't shake the feeling (correct or not) that first contact could actually be a few moments away. How amazing would that be? Honestly, even if the Webb fails to definitively answer the question of extraterrestrial life or intelligence (let's

My experience with a horse taking off on me before I was mounted resulted in a broken clavicle.

Have you ever fallen off a horse? Trust me, you don't get back up too quickly.

Maneuverability wouldn't have been an issue if the ground was dry. Keep in mind that where he died at Bosworth Field was between a marsh and a creek. The ground would have likely been muddy, that would have made recovery a serious problem—particularly if you were surrounded by people trying to hack and stab you.

Good point. Still, the shock of four-foot fall would do a pretty good job of pacifying anyone. There are also anecdotal accounts form the battle of Agincourt of the suction of mud against the plates keeping mounted soldiers down once they fell.

If, like the article suggests, he was attacked by soldiers with polearms like halberds, it would have been fairly easy to dismount him.That was one of the halberd's main functions: the halberd had blade for hacking, a point for thrusting (which could have delivered the fatal wound) and, most importantly in this case,

Apparently there was a successor to Drunk Punk Fest that sprang up on the out-skirts of our town a few years later.

Rancid performing ...And Out Come the Wolves! This reminds me of "Drunk Punk Fest" in high school. Basically it was a weekly get together of a bunch of 15 and 16-year-olds at some older dudes' place (read: 18 or 19) and playing a bunch of Op Ivy and Rancid covers in their surprisingly soundproof basement. There would

The Sahara-in-a-drought dry narration is perfect.

No matter how badly the Browns shit the bed on this one, Cleveland fans at least feel good that Red Right 88 is no longer the worst call of all time.

This is something I love that gives a great sense of how big the universe is compared to us. What is even more mind blowing is that scale of small is even more vast: we are much closer to the size of the observable universe than we are to the size of a Plank length.

Does anybody happen to what is the most massive, or at least what are some of the most massive stars visible to the naked eye in the northern hemisphere? I'm not asking about largest radius, but actual mass. So far the most massive I can think of that is easily visible in the north is Alnilam, which is about 40M☉. Are