
Does anybody else think Kanye might be bipolar? His outbursts tend to happen in clusters, then he goes away for awhile only to pop back up with another string of bizarre incidents. He certainly appears to display a megalomaniacal personality, and I wonder if these are genuine delusions of grander. Granted, we don't

A space station had an auto-cannon?! The fact that this existed might be proof of a god. On the other hand, the no video of this might be proof against.

There's a good chance this is the ass of the Academic Provost at Youngstown State.

I'm not thinking that far ahead. At this point my only concern is adding an oxidizer to the cartridge. If the astronaut was mounted to a platform similar to the one on the Shuttle Canada arm, recoil shouldn't be much of a problem. As for the space junk, anyone killed by it should be honored to die from something so

Okay, now that we're aware this is a thing, I think we all know needs to happen: EVA on the ISS for no other reason that to blast skeets in low earth orbit.

The coronation will be held on Chippewa and celebrated with a feast of pierogi and hot wings. The Goo Goo Dolls will play. It will be terrible.

♫ 🎶 ...Brigham Young: his nose was a clitoris. 🎶 ♫

ohmagodohmagodohmagodomagodohmagodohmagodohma— HURRY UP AND GET THERE! After nine years, a tease like this is just cruel. Respect my unreasonable demands!

Hope the link is fixed.

As of 11:31 EST, there's a problem with soundcloud's stream. Sorry. It should be fixed soon.

Taken some time off from working on my opera to record a double LP entitled "Dream Worshipers" with my band, Venus.

It almost seems like morality can be based on empathy and need not be derived from a divine source. Weird.

Your points about other risks are well taken, but I thought I addressed that a reason to be vaccinated is, in fact, one of self interest because, if not vaccinated, you're far more likely to die or be severely injured from that disease than you are to die or be injured from the vaccine. The risk/benefit evaluation

Ria, thank you for posting this! Also, please keep the conversation on this going. The horrific consequences of the Anti-vaxxer woo mongers are finally being scrutinized, and this could be a moment where it is possible for the medical community to turn the tide.

Thank you! Religious freedom is a negative right, rather than affirmative privilege. One has freedom of conscious—the right to believe what one will. But this does not grant one a special privilege to infringe upon the rights and well being of others.

Damn, Walt was seriously ahead of his time.

His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular...and One Shithouse Rat Crazy Motherfucker.

As much as it pains me to admit it, Tom Brady is probably one of the best of all time—Certainly in the top three, if not the greatest outright. (Goddamnitsomuch.)