
Calling it the pianoforte "soft-loud" is very telling as to how the piano influenced the music of its age. The piano, as an instrument with a large dynamic range, revolutionized the use of dynamics (how loud or soft the music is) as an expressive element in music. Music of the Romantic era would employ this to a huge

Calling it the pianoforte "soft-loud" is very telling as to how the piano influenced the music of its age. The piano as an instrument revolutionized the use of dynamic (how loud or soft the music is) as an expressive element in music. Music of the Romantic era would employ this to a huge extent.

Two scoops of ice cream in a blender plus a bottle of Edmund Fitzgerald: mix for ten seconds and you have one of the best deserts you can imagine.

No shit? Great to know!

It killed me when I moved to NYC to discover it doesn't ship here.

Two scoops of vanilla ice cream pulls a bottle of Edmund Fitzgerald in a blender: mix for ten seconds and you have a milkshake that gets you drunk.

Word! It's has a malty pils taste, but a fuller body.

Burning River is one of those rare ales that has noticeable hops, but are not so overpowering that it smells like Pine-Sol.

That stuff is and delicious as it is dangerous. It's so smooth and balanced that you never suspect that stuff is 7.5% ABV.

They still make it but, it's only available at the brewery.

I miss their Moon Dog ESB.

Grew up in C-Town and their Eliot Ness Lager is phenomenal! Kills me you can't get it in NYC. Time for a walk down memory lane: it has a wonderfully creamy texture that's rare for a lager. The malts are very pronounced, and have a nice carmel sweetness. The way the fullness of the body combines with the carbonation

"Damnit, you assholes, quit stealing my look!" —Charlie Chaplin

Maybe the refs were inflating the balls in a sauna?


Some of these projects I enjoy for odd reasons. Wolfman Jack was cool because I find the Boarder Blaster phenomenon to be fascinating. Howard the Duck, despite being nearly unwatchable,evokes in me a strange nostalgia because the establishing exterior shot of the Cleveland skyline reminds me of my earliest memories

Jeffrey Wright: talk about an under appreciated talent. His theatre work is stellar.

Could be, but that still strikes me as an extraordinary result.

Of course there can be explanations for outliers and, again, I'm not saying this is conclusive, but when outlier has a deviation as wide of the range of all others, that's one hell of an outlier.

I never said it was conclusive proof. I said it was a major anomaly.