
This is actually pretty compelling...and it means...(sigh)...I'm going to have to defend the Patriots. Goddamnitsomuch.

Being covered in poop is gross enough when it is you own. When it belongs to a total stranger ...Oh...oh boy...just...ugh...

Absolutely! Attention to detail, providing maximum information with minimum phrasing, and tailoring content to fit form can make complex ideas clear enough for nearly anyone to understand. I've seen graduate level ideas taught to fourth graders and I've also graded papers of undergrads loaded with archaic academic

Now that you've said it, I can't unsee it.


"Okay, Bob, let's try to unroll a few dozen more scrolls and see what happens. If that doesn't work, we'll call it a day and start again tomorrow. Do we have any mummies wrappings? I gotta drop a deuce."

Comrades, let us soundly defeat the dastardly capitalist swine in the race to send badminton shuttlecocks into low earth orbit!

I'm impressed the scrolls managed to survive the 18th and 19th centuries given we're talking about an era where unwrapping mummies was considered a fun party activity, the Pyramids at Giza acceptable targets for artillery practice, and dynamite a reasonable archeological excavation tool.

Speaking as someone who just busted his ass finishing an MFA as a librettist: fuck Lincoln Center in general and the audience base at the Met in particular. Opera, as a medium, is dying and it's the ivory tower "fortress of the arts" attitude that Met audiences exemplify that is killing it. For the longest time I

Could this be photographic evidence supporting the actual existence of blumpkins?

When not even your morbidly obese guardian angel save you from your own shitty self-preseveration instincts, your time left on Earth might be measurable in weeks.

When are white leaders going to speak up and renounce this culture of violence in their community?

LOL! "Air has mass," whateves. Everyone since Ptolemy has known that air is not a physical substance, but is part of the immaterial ether that holds the Sun in its celestial sphere as it orbits around there Earth. Take your blasphemy elsewhere, vile heretic!

Och, the stupid, it burns!

I was disappointed to find the headline "one-handed punter catch" was referring to a catch made by a punter using only one hand instead of a catch made by a punter possessing only one hand.

And yet, I'm having a difficult time fighting the urge to dress one in a tutu and choreograph a zany dance routine. Please ask my next of kin to etch "Totally worth it!" on my tombstone.

...'meaning' is something you create. You manufacture it for yourself and for others: one of the foundations of Existentialism. For who someone who managed to carelessly put his foot in his mouth and crap on philosophy, he does a pretty good job when he engages in it.

Right, I get that. The point I was making was that when dealing with a spoken medium, like drama, archaic phrases can cause confusion for the uninitiated (e.g. Acting 201 students). Particularly when working with a facsimile early folio version of Shakespeare, students will hear the word "ye" spoken, but will be

It isn't quite pointless. Early and middle English still used eth, and, after having the International Phonetic Alphabet hammered into me in conservatory, I'm used to using eth for the voiced dental fricative sound.