
Let's home Cardale Jones actually came to play QB, because he already told the planet he ain't come to play school.

Gunna need a cigarette after that.

The dynamic framing of the shot as it flew—rolling upside down putting the ground above you as if you're in an X-Wing following it—magnificent!

1) DNA can survive sub-orbital flight and re-entry. 2) I'm made of DNA => Excuse me, I have to go try something.

Brilliant! I have nothing to add.

They'll probably do more than any SEC valedictorian will.

Yes, economics is a science. But, like any other science, sloppy practice can have a damaging impact. The field of economics has become home to some high profile ideologues (cough—University of Chicago—cough) who are interested in pushing an agenda. Part of science is critical thinking— that means evaluating

Hey, remember when the Pistons were good?

"Gimme a few minutes while I convolute this data so it's in accordance with my ideology—er, religion!" —Ken Ham

Why would someone do this to their child? Think of a heroin addict. Let's say that heroin addict is a person you love. Most people reasonable people would expect you to see their addiction as a disease. Hopefully you would encourage that person to get help for their illness without judgment. However, you would find

The statue of Lenin would have been more than twice the height of the Statue of Liberty.

Not even the Tallahassee Police Department will be able to help them get out of this trouble.

Steroids are know to inhibit the growth of connective tissue.

Upon hearing he won, Kluber cracked a half-grin and in a mild voice said "pretty cool" thus showing his greatest display of emotion ever.

There is almost no chance that the desire to claim moral high-ground is the real issue. What the investigation revealed about Incognito is going to be the kiss of death for his career: behavior that is damaging to a team. Teams now see Baby Huey Incognito as too much of a risk.

Blood never set me off in live surgery observations. The thing that got me was the sound. Particularly the sound the thorax makes when being opened. The nurses would take bets to see which students would pass-out. I could make it past the initial incisions (which seems to take out most students) but as soon as the

Overeard at the Eagles' Deep Purple cover band rehearsal: Dude, you're not listening. Smoke on the Water goes "Cock cock coooock. Cock cock cock-coooock. Cock cock coooock. Cock cock-cock. (rest for two counts)" You're adding two cock punches where you should be resting.

Speaking as a man from a Buckeye family, never in my most depraved fever dreams could I imagine getting choked up over a Wolverine succeeding in any sport, yet here I am.

We can outsmart those dolphins. Don't forget - we invented computers, leg warmers, bendy straws, peel-and-eat shrimp, the glory hole, AND the pudding cup!

Come on, lose to one of the worst teams in the NFL with dignity.