
Steroids are know to inhibit the growth of connective tissue.

Upon hearing he won, Kluber cracked a half-grin and in a mild voice said "pretty cool" thus showing his greatest display of emotion ever.

There is almost no chance that the desire to claim moral high-ground is the real issue. What the investigation revealed about Incognito is going to be the kiss of death for his career: behavior that is damaging to a team. Teams now see Baby Huey Incognito as too much of a risk.

Overeard at the Eagles' Deep Purple cover band rehearsal: Dude, you're not listening. Smoke on the Water goes "Cock cock coooock. Cock cock cock-coooock. Cock cock coooock. Cock cock-cock. (rest for two counts)" You're adding two cock punches where you should be resting.

Speaking as a man from a Buckeye family, never in my most depraved fever dreams could I imagine getting choked up over a Wolverine succeeding in any sport, yet here I am.

Come on, lose to one of the worst teams in the NFL with dignity.

Sure, the Browns stomp the Bengals and suddenly the kid is on the Hawkins bandwagon. What a fair-weather fan!

Deny it? This seems like something that should go at the top of your resume.

Political Stockholm Syndrome: cozying up to the very people you became regarded as a great politician for opposing in order to survive.

The tears aren't from the cold. They're from the realization that she, of her own free will, chose to attend a Northwestern football game.

In fairness to Hill, he's probably just feeling frustrated that the Browns haven't shown him enough gratitude for his contribution to their win last night.

Who Dat? The Browns, ain't ya heard?

Judging by the look on his face, he can smell it too.

"If he can walk, he can play. Get my money—er, that quarterback on the field! I am a sociopath." —Jerry Jones

"We know your pain." —Cleveland, Ohio

"The Charges name implies electricity. Production of electricity with fossil fuels contributes to global warming. Chargers fans are supporting global warming!"

"The Browns name is offensive to scat fetishists!" —Jay Schoeder

"The Steelers name glamorizes theft!"

Does CTE cause arguing with false equivalence fallacies?

Seeing LeBron wearing #23 just feels right.