
Dry humor is very confusing. How am I supposed to know that something is funny if it isn't delivered with a hackneyed inflection, grotesque smile and wink, and a laugh-track to kill any hint of subtlety? I hate having my intelligence respected.

I wholeheartedly concur about too many economists trying to fit reality to models. Frankly, it's horrifying to see how many economists are willing to allow ideology supersede empirical evidence in their research—if you can actually call what a lot of these guys do research. When critical thinking about the validity of

It might be time to start seriously considering the possibility that Samuel Beckett was/is actually a Highlander and David Lynch is just the identity he has most recently assumed.

It's not quite the same with out the bitter tears and self-hatred. I like it, but it's not the same.

I've always found that the notes of industrial waste from LTV Steel complements whiskey nicely.

Weird. This is normally when I start my blackout binge of shame drinking. What am I supposed to do with the rest of the day? Are people supposed to be happy on Sunday? Very confusing.

This is great. Meredith Monk did some great work with throat singing. Couldn't find it on youtube, but it's out there.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt's family is never getting back together. :-(


"Copycat amateurs." —Pedro Calderon dela Barca

Thanks. I'm really excited about this project, especially after hearing the rough motifs the composer has written. It's good to hear someone actually knows this story.

At least the University of Michigan's athletic department can be proud of distinguished alumni like Michael Phelps.

GO BLUE (EW)... a .14!

I propose MLB institutes what I shall call the "Darryl Strawberry " rule: each player must do a bump of blow per inning.

Nearly finished with the libretto for an opera about the Kingsbury Run Torso Murders. From there it will be re-writes and working with a composer on the score. The tentative title is 13 Degrees in Hell.

You just know he's got two muzzle-loader pistols filled with rock-salt under that white coat.

You might be on to something. I think the type of irony that Wallace et al were railing against was the use of irony as a mask: the impenetrable defense of being able to hide behind insincerity—You can never be embarrassed if no one believes you mean what you say. Irony can be effective as a literary device, but too

Keep your opinions about Browns games and children to yourself! My dad and I had our first genuine father-son moment in the old Dawg Pound after we both puked from shotgunning a twelve-case of Coors on my 11th birthday.

"Couldn't ask for a better bye-week." —Browns fans

Let's see how chill you can be when you have to sample the roids you mainline into your players.