
Fascinating. Given the way Europe turned out in the 20th century, with many neighboring sovereign states squabbling for power, it makes me think the situation would have been impossibly dangerous. The American Civil War could have been replaced by a nightmare of long lasting petty wars like the Balkans, or Germany

On behalf of Northeast Ohio, let me encourage Miami to put this in perspective. Sure, South Beach may be losing LeBron's talents. It happens. But look at what you've gained in the last year: endemic Dengue Fever! Cleveland doesn't have that! Nobody does! And, if that's not enough, you're probably going to be the first

Okay, South Beach, sure, you may be losing LeBron and his talents. It happens. But look at what you've gained in the last year: endemic Dengue Fever! Cleveland doesn't have that! Nobody does! And, if that's not enough, you're probably going to be the first US city to have year-round out breaks of Chikungunya virus!

Another example of professionalism from the Keystone Cops NYPD.

WEWS Cleveland is now reporting that Bath Police are there at the request of LeBron's security team.

These brave men and women will leave no stone unturned in their attempt to find LBJ's hairline.

Come on Cleveland, it's important to get our hopes up! We have to set our expectations high so the inevitable disappointment will be palpable. We've got a half-century of tradition to carry!

It was some time in the 80s. My dad brought home an Apple IIe. All of his friends were jealous of the lightning fast 5 minute boot up time. Back in the days when I had never heard the word "Internet." It had giant 5 1/4 inch floppy disk from before the diskette when the floppy disk was actually floppy.

1945 comments: GO!

In 1958 Yves Klein, pictured, held an exposition called "The Void"where he displayed a gallery of work in monochromatic blue (a shade of ultramarine later patented as "Yves Klein Blue"). In addition to the blue paintings and sculptures, Klein served the guests cocktails dyed with methylene blue. The next morning, the

Hm. I might be open to participating if the experiment did something a bit milder, like smacking me across the eyes with a 2x4.

Sure, when tree frogs shout for sex in storm drains it's "clever," but when I do it it's all "pepper spray" and "72 hour psychiatric hold."

"Wait, SETI can't help us prove the Earth is 6000 years old nor kill people, so it's useful why?" —U.S. House Committee on Science

Give that Somalia is the closest thing to a genuinely libertarian state that the world has seen, she might have actually gone for that.

See, Grandpa, my generation is good at something!

Gods among men.

Gods among men.

Gods among men.

Well son, looks like you're just not cut out for the rough and tumble world of water park management. It takes a special breed: half in love with life, have in love with death, all stark raving mad. We don't care for fancy concepts like "computer simulations" or "engineering models." No, when we test a slide, we just