
So apparently working on this cookbook is what Dalí was doing in the 70's when he needed a break from heaping gushing praise on Francisco Franco.

"Dalí does not need drugs. Dalí IS drugs!" —Salvador Dalí on drug use

When will Cosmos give equal coverage to Time Cube?

"Dinosaurs are the gateway drug to science for kids." Good. Stupidity is a disease requiring strong medicine.

BUT, DAMNIT, KEEP YOUR FILTHY FLUORIDE OUT! Now excuse me, I have to get back to not vaccinating my children and hiding from eclipses.

This dude's demeanor could teach a lot to my cat. She came home from getting spayed today and I nearly lost a finger trying to give her her meds. If only she could make like this big-ass Fonzie.

Where have I seen this before?

Jeff Tweedy is a huge fan and thought the sampling was fair use, but they were actually sued by the Conet Project for copyright infringement. They reached an agreement to use the sound as long as Irdal/Conet was credited.

They were actually sued by the Conet Project for copyright infringement. Jeff Tweedy is a huge fan and wanted to sample the sounds, but figured it was fair use. Wilco eventually reached an agreement with Irdal to use the sounds if he was credited.

Really glad we get a second shot at this in October, because the forecast in my area is showing rain.

My drunken reply-all rant to the entire college that was full of swears, insults, and appalling spelling.

Meh, any life where I can't catch a nap isn't worth living anyhow.

Court-side following UConn's victory over Kentucky.

Wahoo is still in use. The team considered disuse in 1993, but retained the image. Up until last season, it was still the primary cap logo. He's been demoted to the secondary shoulder insignia, but he's still there.

He's totally harmless. Given the profession he's in, where things as vile as vehicular homicide, domestic violence, and homophobic slurs to the media are considered forgivable transgressions, his doofus streak is just something to be laughed off.

I'm going to guess the results section of the abstract mentioned a lot of swearing and punching.

He's an obnoxious goofy bro, but dammit, he's our obnoxious goofy bro!