
The action hero with a Ph.D. when he was your age!

Probably a Lakers fan too.

In recent years I've become, by my account at least, a soda connoisseur due to the fact I had to give up alcohol because it would inadvertently land me either in the hospital of jail. As such, I'm very glad to see cherry cola made the list!

Ladies and Gentlemen: the next Governor of the Great State of Ohio.

Somebody (it might actually have been Al Michaels, but I'm not sure) said that if they were John Fox, they would make every player hand the ball to an official after a touchdown. This actually seems like a good idea. It might also cut down on un-sportsman like conduct penalties from excessive celebrations if players

When my mom delivered my brother—her second child—she refused to give the nurses her name until they gave her an epidural. They kept asking her name and she kept responding "epidural."

Novelty seeking behavior: the trait that increases your likelihood of getting killed doing something awesome. Even if you were to fall to you death riding this thing, it would so be worth it.

It's kind of impressive that he still managed to get about 5 yards out of the run.

It's great to see a solid, uniform line of fidelity at the boarders of certain states. In particular, the division of fan loyalties are in wonderfully stark contrast along the Ohio/Michigan and Texas/Oklahoma boarders. There are no neutral zones between these allegiances. They clearly and severely end at the state

When it comes to story telling with words and music goes, Steve Sondheim is pretty much the gold standard. It's a shame there hasn't been a film adaptation of "Assassins," because there is no way anything on this list could beat a duet of Squeeky Fromme and John Hinckley Jr. singing a syrupy-sweet, Carpentersesque

Thanks for this! It's good to know I'm not the only who identifies as scientifically minded, yet is able to enjoy and be entertained by a good paranormal story.

The saddest thing about Art Model's death is that I'll never get to see this happen to him.

How dyslexia sometimes makes my life more interesting: on my first glance at this headline I read "How I Got My Spouse to Do Better Cock Meat."

This is great. However, I'd like someone to go digging through the MLB archives for the one thing we all know is the absolute greatest moment in baseball history: Dock Ellis's acid trip no-hitter.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the point when said arms become "evidence that will be used to prosecute your ass in a court of law." At least, that's what I think the term is. I'm not particularly proficient in legalese.

Sexy, sexy solidarity.

That should cover 3.25% of the Armageddon caliber wrongful death he's going to get obliterated with after he's convicted.

Now playing

In fairness to her, these are black bears and they tend to be pretty tame...though if they're already fighting, they might be in a bit more of a pissy mood than usual. I think this is another video of her taunting/chasing away another black bear.

Fourteen Seasons of Stockholm Syndrome with the Cleveland Browns