
Its Japanese, who cares where you park it and it's AWD...

Doug! I'm sad to see the Ferrari go but I completely (by having no experience whatsoever with an exotic) your feelings with this post. I'm sure someone has already suggested it but next car....

My God! What the heck?!

They're not even good on US Military bases! It's the US of A and Canada or nothing! Though there are rumors that we're trying to secure a deal for countries south of the border.

That's why you buy used!

According to the salesman, however, you didn't have to jump through that many hoops. I mean, yeah, sure, new customers have to undergo a credit check. And of course, everyone must sign an agreement saying they won't export anything. And OK, fine, there are a few questions. And yes, so he had heard of some dealers

Thank you for the star Doug!


Financing I'd definitely harder for a bank to sign off on over 100k but, carmax won't put a car on the lot over 130k. With your Accord being so close to 100k it also kills the ability to sell an extended service plan like MaxCare.

Sorry I meant to say Kurds

The real root of the issue didn't start with the American invasion of Iraq. It began when the British took 3 different ethnicities drew a border around them and assumed they would play nice. Sunnis, Shia and Kurt do not play nice.