
I always like to analyze this stuff as if I was across the table from the player (I have played magic for over 10 years) and honestly if I did anything like that IRL I would likely be told off by others at the store for being a bad sport so I have to agree with RenegadeReaper especially considering this is like the

Mark Hamil Said it best
He will always be my Batman”

“I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.””

No, Mark, you are making 11,000 other people take responsibility for that. You are taking no responsibility.

Sigh... once again the incompetence of the people in charge coming to bite those least responsible for it Its so evil, you spend so much money and basically waste it down the drain on stupid gimmicks, and then when it comes to face the consequences, the easiest way to save money is to kick a lot of your employees in

Plenty of people don’t want to look into the night sky and see commercialized visual pollution, dipshit

So first of all, it is impossible to avoid comparisons to the Arkham games when you are making a game that is so clearly patterened after that trilogy. Second, what has been a source of critical comparison is that Arkham Knight game out years ago and somehow has better mechanics than this game.

Again, it seems widely confirmed that $902 isn’t an hourly rate on that pay schedule, it’s a day rate. Is there any kind of fact-checking or corrections policy here?

Breaking news: you’re being an asshole about it

And? Sorry. Not sorry. I won’t support horrible people and horrible practices simply so that people who are choosing to work for them don’t get punished with them. They can go work else where, or they can suffer.


The Steam Deck came out so Nintendo no longer feels the need to fill this hole. 

It’s almost like you can’t read:

Oh, I’ve read quite a few things actually, like Blizzard’s own policy.

Love SummoningSalt vids. Could care less about speedrunning too. He somehow makes it compelling. 

Maybe give this any amount of critical thought and come back later.

I saw this headline and I immediately thought “Wait...they can’t be talking about SummoningSalt could they?”

obvious troll is obvious.

It seems clear that Youtube doesn’t apply their moderation evenly or fairly... problem is, I’m not sure there’s anything that requires them to do so. It’s a private company offering a service, if they want to be as capricious and inconsistent as a feudal king in the way they run their business, they can. Favors for

Unfortunately this is hardly the first instance of YouTube’s bizarre content restriction decisions. The stuff that somehow flies under their radar - even on (maybe especially on) YouTube Kids - while they drop age restrictions that they triple down on for a goddamn Mega Man 2 speedrunning documentary (which I have

No, it isn’t. Internet with connection speeds far below what the companies tell you they are are available, maybe, if you live in the right spots. Rural America found out just how bad it was in 202o.