
Let’s be abundantly clear here: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) is a direct sequel to Breath of the Wild in a way no Zelda game has been a direct sequel since 1987's Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Yes, sure, Majora’s Mask followed on from Ocarina of Time, and Phantom Hourglass picked up after Wind Waker, but TotK is

“Retail employees deserve to live in poverty” - fixed it for you bub. 

Why do I feel like somewhere you’ve complained about “nobody wants to work” when your favorite fast food joint was closed because staff quit?

Trade school and higher educations have both become prohibitively expensive. I have no idea where you think anyone is making $20 an hour landscaping. Even if they did that job isn’t year round. Plus it’s ableist as fuck.

Raises that don’t keep up with inflation/cost of living are actually pay cuts.

There’s always some bootlicking libertarian trustfunder in the comments.

Great games don’t have horrible monetization, and turn to ‘Blech’ long before the level cap is reached.  You might have wonderful memories of older Diablo games that were in fact great games.  Diablo Immortal is a crap game with crap prizes.

People are angry over people not paying as much into a scam ‘merely’ being in debt? I have no words. This is like politics in a microcosm.

Play crap games win crap prizes.

Fuck the monarchy.

There is a huge difference between carrying data between sender and recipient (which is all a helpdesk software should be doing) and having the company licensing the software secretly sharing that data with the licensor.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that you possessed superhuman divination abilities that allowed you to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that Zendesk is only providing the platform and is not receiving the data from Gamestop, as alleged. If only all people were gifted with such powers of acuity, we would have no use for

“I don’t want something” is not the same as “No one should want something”, or “X shouldn’t exist”.

And you obviously can tell the difference, but you’re doubling down anyways so you can claim to be morally superior.

Nonono. See, anyone who likes the game is a good person, and anyone who hates the game is an alt-right racist misogynist. There's no middle ground. 

Did you really just unironically recommend Yandere Simulator?

More overhead for the console with the least amount of power, more money to spend to protect it from a niche set of pirates, a block that would affect even people emulating with their own copies which is legal.

Yes, let’s come up with new DRM five years into a console’s lifecycle, without any involvement from Nintendo, intended to run on a console which already has optimization problems. I’m sure you’ll see a tremendous return on that investment.

I remember back in the day I used to like cinematic trailers. Now I pretty much always skip them unless I am invested in the world already. So tired of non-gameplay trailers. Am I the only one that feels this way?

What in the name of sanity makes anybody think that three shots that look kinda similar imply a shot for shot remake? How desperate for clickbait are we at this point?

give me FULL control of every member of the party.