I think it’s a requirement that cops be the dumbest possible people.
I think it’s a requirement that cops be the dumbest possible people.
The point of Bridget’s story is she’s afraid of choosing a gender identity because of her complicated past and what it would mean to choose the gender identity her problematic parents assigned her. Goldlewis and Ky assures her that she has the right to choose anyways, and that any choice Bridget makes is valid, as…
well that headline is not going on the back of the collectors edition box.
It’s to counteract all the articles that shame people for getting horny about things as well.
It’s Kotaku, they’re horny about everything.
Is this Ethan admitting he’s horny for produce, because I find nothing horny about any of this.
You’re correct, you can get it from a QR code. Anyone interested can find it right on Serebii.
I think what the article is trying to reference is the Original form Magearna for completing the national Pokedex in Pokemon Home.
Wasn’t the reward for completing the Alolan Pokedex the Shiny Charm? Or am I misremembering?
“The dreaded Megearna can be obtained by completing the Alola Pokédex in Pokémon Sun and Moon”
lol, yeah I mean I don’t really care either way, but they obviously did mean to mislead people, that was the whole point.
Why do you keep posting their names? I'm pretty sure they were devastated when Riot straight up doxxed them.
Why simply say “these are my 10 least favorite pokemon” when you could be weirdly aggressive and say they should die?
I guess this is the article we get when your forget about your deadlines..... a bunch of pictures and nothing worth while. Thanks Ian!!
What the fuck is this low effort article?
Fuck David Cage
Sue his ass Pokemon Company!
Can NFTs be licensed characters/IP without the IP owner’s permission? Makes it sound like NFTs are a shady way to make money.
You got his age wrong, duel monsters originated in ancient Egypt.
Oh, wow, a whole hour. /s