
Yep, showing that 6-8 thousand other players are having the exact same issue as me (you do realize the queue number is other players, right) is anecdotal and means nothing. And also the developers *literally* making a statement about the issues, maintenance to address the issues, and even the fact that they’re giving

Thanks for gaslighting everyone though, including the devs who have literally addressed the fact that there are indeed issues with queue times. I don’t have 4 hours to wait in queue, nor do I have the privilege of being able to play during graveyard hours. 

FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker ($39.99 USD) includes all prior expansions with the purchase, including Shadowbringers, Stormblood, and Heavensward. A Realm Reborn or the Starter Edition ($19.99 USD) must be purchased and registered separately before Endwalker can be registered.

Login hassles aside? I’ve essentially not been able to play at all despite pre-ordering it because of login hassles. 

This isn’t shocking, nor do I really care. I don’t support the chicken industry. It’s very predatory against consumers and even the people who raise the chickens. Super Size Me 2 is a great documentary on how this is the case. 

Don’t support Hot Pockets, they’re owned by Nestle.

But it is objective? The game forced you to play a certain way with enemies, removing freedom of choice. That is objectively worse. In the rest of the games you can tackle enemies however you see fit to be as stylish as you want.

This community has the biggest aversion to truth I’ve ever seen.

Great way to make me never buy anything from you again.

“Mine own hand” is an archaic phrase that used to actually be spoken. The rest is definitely nonsense.

Don’t care. Don’t support Disney, moving on. 

Showing your ignorance about the topic in more than one way here, huh?

Ah, yes, a sample size of 225. You must have hit statistics out of the park in school.

Don’t support gacha games. Put your money toward game developers who actually care about their playerbase.

What they’re not saying is that every single update every other week is nothing but paid cosmetics and trading is behind a paywall. Oh and some cosmetics are behind a $200 paywall. 1000% monetization 0% content.

This show reminded me of Kaiji the entire time. Not that that’s a bad thing, Kaiji is great, but this show just felt like it didn’t add anything new or interesting to the genre.

You can make our own bot, but it’s a bit more than just slapping a bot into your server. You can make another account, sign into it through another discord client, then get a program like voicemeter and play music through a specific channel, and finally choose that audio channel as the playback device of that account. 

Wal-Mart PCs indeed already use gigabyte ;)

Gigabyte is the “Great Value” brand of pc parts.