
I used to pirate games. After getting stable income I ended up buying most of the games I pirated and would go on to support those franchises that poured out good games.

Show me a 4k tv with a 1ms response time and 144hz refresh rate at a reasonable price. I’m not going to run every single game at 4k 30fps, games don’t feel good at 30fps. When I’m not at 4k I want to be able to run at a lower resolution at a higher frame rate.

Popular vote is stupid because the vast majority of people are ignorant. Most people aren’t educated on the topics that politicians talk about and will just vote for their knee jerk reaction feelings. Not that I personally could come up with a better system. 

I wouldn’t look down on him for views that tens of millions of fellow Americans and hundreds of millions of people worldwide hold”

Japanese people don’t have to stream this shit? They just turn on their TV and bam, anime.

Isn’t this the person who blocks anyone on twitter who asks a question?

gigantic amount of people who really don’t like playing this way”

A must play huh? Are you offering to buy it for me then?

My PS4 got stolen by FedEx during a move to a new place and my gf said she’s split the cost with me so /shrug 

I am.

Yeah, it’s 40. The game is pretty long. I will admit there are things I don’t like about it. Like the slightly different Demise fights, but I liked the game overall so much I ended up 100%ing twice and am looking forward to doing it again on the Switch.

I am older than 25.

Idk what you're on about. Skyward Sword is fantastic.

Not that it makes Nintendo any less guilty, but you can just make or buy an nfc tag/card version of amiibos for incredibly cheap. 

Okay, but can they ban scalpers instead?

Why would we tell you if you're too lazy to read past a headline anyways?

Capcom, is that you?

The only thing this has done for me was make me not want to buy the game. The demo was still available for download, and download I did, to only be told I missed it and to come back on *their* schedule. It wasted my time and showed me that my time isn't important to them, and I see my money is better spent elsewhere.

People still play this wonderfully crafted game with slave mechanics built into it? You may not realize you’re a slave, but your wallet and grind for just that one more pull to potentially get that one item/character you so desperately need beg to differ.