
...Nearly impossible? You just have no rhythm. My friend was trying to beat that as well. He handed me the controller and I did it on the 2nd try. 

This includes online sales.

Incoming homebrew workaround followed by a dmca.

Sorry, but did they? The switch released in 2017 compared to 2016. The new consoles are essentially just better hardware and the rumor of an enhanced switch coming out next year, confirmation would only prove that they still care.

I don’t know why they haven’t unlocked the other modes”

I don’t know why they haven’t unlocked the other modes”

Until Nintendo offers dedicated servers for their games, I don’t want to hear this malarkey.

Glad to hear it worked for you this time. I’m not sure what happened to you last time, but I’ve never had that issue before. Maybe they genuinely mistook euros for dollars last time.

Glad to hear it worked for you this time. I’m not sure what happened to you last time, but I’ve never had that issue

I feel like this is easier on the ears to listen to for an extended period of time. I don’t get the hopeless vibes you do. It just feels like a monochrome landscape to me. The PS4 theme can get on my nerves after awhile.

Just bought this from eneba for the advertised price (A dollar cheaper actually)

Just bought this from eneba for the advertised price (A dollar cheaper actually)

Ah, it’s okay for us to ignore the pandemic for this game, but not the PS5. Got it.

SSDs are no longer incredibly expensive. They’re not comparable to HDDs in price yet, but they’ve become very affordable. Now the specific specs of the SSD that the PS5 might require may be expensive, but that is no way indicative of the SSD market. 

It’s almost as if there’s a global pandemic taking place. 

If this game is actually good it will be incredibly disappointing as it will be remembered as the FF with the most boring looking characters and that’s all people will remember.

Nevermore. Away with you.

It seems like this banlist is very similar to the one found in Nier Automata

Remember when this would have been part of the base game endgame? Boy oh boy.

I’d argue this is different as you’re “getting” something not owned by you and outlined in most ToS to not have monetary value. So you’re spending money on nothing in a way.

Maybe they’re on the fence about getting a Series X or a PS5 and these small differences are what will sell them on which one they’ll get.

I never liked the new design of the PS store. The old design was very fluid and quick, same with the UI of the PS4. Does the PS4 Pro/an SSD fix that issue and bring it back to the snappy fluidity that the old PS store had?

What’s the point of making a sequel if you’re not going to make new models? Just recycling old boss models with a new set of attacks doesn’t sound interesting and I can’t think of a solution outside of that.