Alright let’s break down this comment.
Alright let’s break down this comment.
Indeed I am because it is scripted and not competitive.
Nice assumptions there, kiddo. There’s obviously a problem, or else there wouldn’t be entire articles dedicated to this shit, but not everyone is serious about it. Sit your ass down and take a chill pill.
I love this far more than I should.
Anyone who says they nerfed her is obviously being comical, please get a sense of humor.
Why would you use fake sports for that comparison?
It literally won’t post the image. Google image “Now that’s what I call”
I didn’t get this at first. And then I felt old.
“The full game will be available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch in 2020!”
I present to you, the 3DS titles.
The only thing I personally dislike about the game is this very system, but I can see how others enjoy it. I think it should be an option, though. Yes, I've beaten the game on master mode and did the master sword trials. I had more fun not doing those things, however.
Wouldn’t Majora’s Mask fall under your 2nd criteria?
Sort of like Resident Evil 4. :thinking: Resident of the Evil Wild confirmed.
This is simply not true. If his Tri-force power was that of Ground Hog Day, they’d have no reason to use the Shrine of Resurrection. The Tri-force of courage gives him protection of magic among other things, but does not give him do-overs.
I guess at times? I wouldn’t say the majority of the time though. Most of the game is very bright and vibrant and only a few select places even give off dark vibes. The only things that really come to mind are the lost woods and the castle. I mean, sure, the story is dark in a sense, but the way it’s presented doesn’t…
Yeah, 15 minutes is kinda.. something else. If you edit every 14 minutes can you edit forever or is it 15 minutes period?
I.. wouldn’t really equate them with each other. They have so little in common with each other.
It’s also on PS4 in Japan.
There’s no way in hell I can see anybody but George Newbern as Sephiroth at this point. You could do 10/10 amazing voice work and unless you sound exactly like him, I’m just not going to be able to see it. He just made that character his. Like I’ll never be able to see anyone as Iron Man except for Tony Stark anymore. …