Maybe that’s why it was so good.
Maybe that’s why it was so good.
Sure, some people like lazy things like that :^)
Are you trying to reaffirm your argument that the target audience is children? Because I don’t disagree. The target audience is everyone, but the fact of the matter is that adults are the majority of the audience and was my argument. But I do disagree that people have to grow out of something just because they get…
It’s almost like the 25 to 35 year old demographic for pokemon is actually larger than the 6 year old demographic :^)
Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.
In 1999 I was 6 years old. So yes, I probably would’ve wanted giant Pokemon.
Also Muk backwards is.. wait.
I had an eye doctor get mad at me for being inconsistent with which ones I said were better. Like, dude, I want better glasses and am doing my best to just get out of here. I’m not trying to give you a hard time.
You know, I keep forgetting Labo is a thing until one of these articles gets posted every month or so.
More like a practice that many people disagree with in general. Having a PS4/Switch/PC/Xbone and something coming out for your console but not the others kinda sucks. I get it, exclusives sell consoles, but it’s anti-consumer.
Indeed it is.
Right, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. By that logic Zodiark doesn’t exist because he hasn’t appeared in the game. We didn’t even see female Viera in FFXIV until the very end of the alliance raid but there’s going to be a sudden influx of them when ShB drops as if they were there the entire time.
Fair enough.
I think you just did.
Not really a comparable example, but ok.
...Except lore-wise male viera are reclusive hunters, so I imagine that’d be just fine for combat.
It’s more of the fact that originally people were upset that we didn’t have male mi’qote and female roes and so they corrected that mistake, but now it’s like they’re making the same mistake as before. But yes, still excited for the rest of Shadowbringers.
...They’re not semi-based. If you look at the three they showed off they’re almost exact replicas of Ronsos from previous games, just like Viera. I can get that you like the Hrothgar more than the Viera and that’s fine, but please keep your facts in check with reality.
I think it’s more of the fact that we got the divide. If they had just made female and male viera, I don’t think people would have been as upset, if at all. Then they could have added Hrothgar later if they still wanted to.