
absolutely! just like we did with bowsette

ironic, since for me the gameplay is the most important bit. i hate that there arent more games (especially rpgs) with gameplay like that anymore.


i cant speak for all kids, but that never worked on me as a child, and doesnt work today as a nearly 33 year old. if you want me to do something you convince me of why i should do it. “because i said so” is bullshit and i knew it as a child and never obeyed when it was used.

Omae wa mou shinderu!

I just hope the messages feature comes back. I havent had access to my inbox for months despite getting my “free trail” codes which I could have given out to people.

As a trans woman myself theres tons of hints thru the character, especially in the japanese version that make it glaringly obvious. Its never going to be as obvious to cis people.

Japan doesnt have a very progressive view on LGBT stuff, especially transgender stuff, so to them “there is no difference” most of the time,

Sylvando, known as Sylvia in the japanese, is meant to be a trans woman. Most of the references to this were removed in the western release though. Pretty typical :( Shes such a good girl.

what if they become fire/water, water/grass, and grass/fire :O

great subversion of expectations to be sure.

D&D is real gaming, for sure. But so is what he’s already doing.

oof lol

in game where the devs specifically said “we wont force any romances on you that you dont want” and that sexual/romantic partners for the character was 100% player choice, yeah it is.

thats not a fact at all. Trans people exist and can procreate with cis people via homosexual relationships.

but they wrote that story. they didnt have to write a story that forced this on us and in a game that lets the player be non-straight, putting anything in the story that forces the player against that, is never okay.

theres a new thread about it thats not deleted. its because its spoilers and needed to be spoiler tagged. now that it has been theres a large post about it thats not being deleted.

i see you a lot on kotaku articles and you always say the best things. plus you have best girl as your avatar. <3

The player IS Kassandra though. And the player, even if theyre straight might not want her to have a kid, so either way its still not okay. It should, like almost everything else in the game, be a choice.

Id love to watch someone do a lets play of this mod :O looks cool

69s often end with people coming together, in more ways than one!