
Kabutops is Rock/Water not Ground/Water.

A floating sword is no less creative than a pokeball (voltorb).

Colorful roach? The only thing I can think of like that in PoGo is Anorith, which is a fairly old pokemon at this point.

Agree that the Master Trainer stuff seems really sloppy.

Great read. I came in just to say how, as a lesbian myself, shes the one of the only girls in the cast I never found attractive, and I feel much more appreciation for her and her role of absorbing the brunt of all the crap that gets flung at the series. I’m also thoroughly creeped out by that “battle damaged Talim”.

Thanks for this article <3 Its really beautiful and well-written. I’m glad you’re able to enjoy it thus far even though you’re cis. This trans woman thanks you for this positive article about an amazing looking game that I’m very interested in!



Carakav is just saying that theyre a symptom of the problem, not the problem themself. that doesnt mean that its not a bad thing, as a fever can be a very bad/dangerous thing, but treating the fever wont cure the illness thats causing it.

because according to the videos with Prof Oak they havent been seen in thousands of years.

yes afaik all event only pokemon are mythic (unless its an event only version of a pre-existing other type of pokemon)


according to you have to get a meltan in go and use 400 candies to evolve it in pokemon go then transfer it from Go to Lets Go, if you want one in Let’s Go. Thats supposedly the only way.

some people could really use 65$. I know I could.

money is fake. nothing should cost money to begin with. abolish currency.

maybe, but why not all of it? and why for decades? why wait? theres people alive right NOW that need it. give it all away, right now. theres no point in waiting and dragging it out over decades.

because there are people who do need it and people that hoard money like this are the cause of poor peoples existence and continued suffering.

nah were whining about the other 18 billion in net worth he didnt donate to causes. no one needs even a fraction of that much money.

username checks out :O

ah lame.

how make dark? some sort of extension? i didnt see a dark mode option in the settings normally for this site.

yikes. ive never watched the guy but that kind of stuff is a huge red flag to me.

that couldnt be further from the truth. he was definitely like that in the past and he makes no effort to hide that fact, he owns up to it, but hes nothing like that nowadays.