
yeah i wasnt saying it was a fact i just think its funny that i have, completely by chance, had such results. i dont dispute them.

eevee naming still works lol

its funny because despite people complaining about this ive caught almost everything regardless of CP in one throw since these complaints happened.


y u haf 2 be mad?

id rather play an unstable game that when its stable it is actually playable than a stable game thats unplayable.

because niantic wasnt handling it properly. people were right to be upset, though they went a bit far, but Kotaku’s tone and articles were perfectly justified.

i thought it was pretty obvious where and why it had gone it still bothered me though because without it my phone got too hot to play...

im glad they at least said SOMETHING but i feel its too little too late and too vague still.

i desperately hope this is just a really good fake. i dont want to believe this.

you dont fix things when theyre working fine. when things go to shit is when and why communication is needed. saying “people only care about it when stuff goes to shit” is like saying “people only call 911 when theres an emergency!” fking duh?

other than there being a bit too much water in gen 3 i literally cannot think of anything worth complaining about in any gen after one. Maybe bidoof or dunsparce? but bidoof becomes an amazing HM slave so idk about that and some people really love dunsparce. I literally cant think of anything bad, and they keep adding

i dont think theres anything wrong with that at all. there needs to be weak simple pokemon at the start of every game and birds and mice are animals in the real world basically everyone can relate with so I think its appropriate.

xD yeah

i think every gen has been better than the previous one.

i wasnt, im concerned about this change a lot. like if i dont like it and it sticks around for future games idk if ill enjoy them.

this makes me wonder. normally vulpix evolves with a fire stone, how will this ice vulpix evolve? there is no “ice stone”.

monty python <3

arbok is Kobra backwards

i was explaining how tapping the compass worked cuz i thought you didnt know, clearly i was wrong.