i never once made anything up. i posted facts. i never said you said they werent together, i just pointed out that they were and that the show did as much at the time as they were allowed to, to say that.
i never once made anything up. i posted facts. i never said you said they werent together, i just pointed out that they were and that the show did as much at the time as they were allowed to, to say that.
that second description sounds like it fits her perfectly. thats exactly who she is and she should be proud of it. who cares what other people think, theyre idiots if they “dont want to be with her” just because shes a strong independent woman who doesnt need to be “saved” by a “big strong man”.
the /s at the end of my comment was there to point out my last sentence was sarcasm.
they are not “automatically gay” just because they exist. LGBT people exist and want representation in popular media.
there is no zombie horde. stop generalizing. you could play the game without being like “all the rest” if you wanted to. be the change you want to see.
it was confirmed outside of the show and all except directly stated in the show that xena and her female friend were in a romantic and sexual relationship. it didnt get more confirmed than that in a show back then, if you want to deny it because of that, fine be delusional.
sailor neptune and sailor uranus are a…
or you could stop being sexist, like a reasonable human being. you only think that because society has raised you into that sexist mindset, you can choose to stop having it.
blanche wouldnt want us midgendering someone so learning their identity id the logical course of action.
possibly. i mean i kinda expected blanche to be “female” but kinda androgynous, but man this is cray.
when you’re a stranger
we must conduct analysis on Blanches gender identity tho. Its what our glorious leader would want!
im 30 and feel the best age for it B-)
i think its better than “spark” and “blanche”.
that’s sexist implying femininity cant be strong/represent strength.
i dont think that at all. if anything Blanche fits that trope better. Candela is super femme.
instinct has always been portrayed in memes as the “dumb” team.
there is no always or automatic about it but shame that LGBT want to have characters represent them in the open public in a popular medium, amirite? /s
not impossible.
then play the game and pick his team? no good reason not to the game is 100% free.