it was an exaggeration. im just trying to illustrate that just because your personal experience shows one thing, doesnt mean its the objective truth.
it was an exaggeration. im just trying to illustrate that just because your personal experience shows one thing, doesnt mean its the objective truth.
lol well again, blue is best B-)
above the comment it says who the reply is to “Remuko > Squadaloo” it was to you. I was talking about Yellow.
i dont disagree. its my favorite even if it sucks in games in battle xD
they still do its just sometimes harder to notice.
get to lvl 5. go to a gym. click on the gym. join a team (mystic)
because pokemon has always had “teams” and because this game is basically a reskin of Ingress which also had factions (tho only 2).
but you are in one city in the whole country. literally every single player in your city could be red but that wouldnt mean red is most popular if the entire rest of the country went blue.
The North Remembers. You are an Honorary Mystic! We shall call you are brother! THE BIRD IN THE NORTH!
just like choosing the water starter in most of the main games! accurate and acceptable :)
considering there were only 5 legendary pokemon in Gen 1 and you named 3/5 of them, actually you’re correct xD
i started with pokemon blue. ive chosen the water starter in every game. ice pokemon suck but theyre one of my favorite types. The Bird In The North!
ground not rock. flying is weak to rock and elec is neutral.
its among my least favorite colors. it gives me a headache.
people are starting to do this already