
the teleporting never bothers me because i never assume plotlines are happening concurrently and i assume there are timeskips frequently. They needed to start moving towards the end cuz they could have gone 10 more seasons without finishing things otherwise and that wasnt gonne be allowed to happen.

Jon Snow as an old man xD

that is glorious xD that song is so strange but so fitting here.

i knew the second we saw a scene with the freys they were gonna die. i half expected jaime to do it, but instead he just threw shade.

and its technically incest! the targaryens favorite pasttime!


so jaime? xD

i like this

i just dont think they care lol

im not saying it wont be tyrion i just wanted to be sure people know hes not the only possibility.

yeah she even used the mad kings wildfire to do it. i think shes already become the “mad queen”.

she knew it was gonna happen eventually thanks to the prophecy she heard as a girl. now a younger brother is gonna kill her. (jaime is a few minutes younger fyi)

Bastion is jealous

dornish master plan = targaryen restoration! :O

im just sad the gender swap mode is taking so long :’( its the thing i wanted most.

thats disappointing. thats a cool bug

this isnt drawn out at all. it took like 60 episodes for the freeza saga in dbz. all the sagas in super have been less than 20. this is literally the opposite of drawn out.

the people who didnt have to see that 150ft blob in person!

its always been fan theories. he has just done some more popular ones than before.

not unreasonable