
should have put gokus Z kills too! he killed buu...and Yakon. xD

to add onto that maybe you should have answered the other half of that topic. what about non-illegal drugs? some people have prescription meds they need to take. also are there any notable differences in legal vs illegal drugs?

lame i thought it was a good idea.

i kinda like it...

im so scared hes going to ruin it T.T

20fps isnt bad. but its gotten much better. i dont care how much fps im getting it looks and runs fine for me. and my comp is like 3 years old.

theyre working on optimization still. but if you turn down shadows it should help a lot without impacting the game much.

strange given thats one of the places i got my information from. well that and the many friends i have who identify as bi or pan.

disappointing. back to not caring about Street Fighter

bisexual people are only attracted to males and females. pansexual people are attracted to other non-binary genders. just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it doesnt exist. and to bi/pan people its a HUGE difference.

i never liked her =\

that would be terrible.

i think FFXs battle system was best. FFX-2’s was too fast for me.

to get a gold chocobo you just needed to breed a black chocobo which you could get thru breeding normal chocobos. all the nuts and greens you need are easy to find/steal. once you have a black you just have to find a “wonderful” i think it was called normal chocobo and breed it with your black one to get gold. there

i couldnt even play FF X-2 cuz it was too fast.

this. i agree. i couldnt even play FF X-2 cuz it was too fast.

i want to control my whole party.

they better not or ill be furious

i wanted new graphics and voice overs and a better script/translation. Nothing else. If they change too much im going to be more pissed than if they never made it at all =\

no mention of Sony? DansGame