
Or in any other concept artists world.

Oh hey, thanks! Never in a million years would I have imagined the reaction to one of my dumb stories would be so great.

But we don’t have a system built on the idea that we should take a woman’s word for it. We have a system where women who report rape are routinely disbelieved, where police and prosecutors routinely try to bully women who try to report rape into recanting, where women are sometimes charged with a crime for reporting


Now, I only got about 3/4 through the book, but uh... are we talking about the same Ready Player One?

“I recognize that thing on screen from something else I saw when I was younger. Ha ha! This is great writing!”

How can you not want to eat IRL when the meals look like this?

Taylor Swift is the convergence of privilege and Millennialist indulgence. She is a spoiled little rich girl who bypassed a development deal and went straight to singer-songwriter when her daddy’s hedge fund bailed out her record label. Plus she has that new fangled notion that anyone who criticizes her is a h8er and

I feel like Taylor Swift is now one of the most defensive people on the planet. she insured her legs, got parody videos taken down from youtube, she bought domain names like a, removed all her music from spotify and wrote a open letter to apple and is trying to copyright “this sick beat”

Well, as much as I love French, it is a rather hot-mess of a language. For one thing, it’s orthography is needlessly, and self-consciously, un-phonetic. Unlike English (also very un-phonetic), which began to solidify its spelling system in the South-East of England around 1400AD when words like “gnat” and “knight”

Look, I’m typically the first person to go full-social justice in the comments, but was this really warranted?


Today will be a good day.

There is a well-known theory in quantum physics known as the Many Worlds Theory. In essence, it states that there are an infinite number of universes with an infinite number of permutations.

Wasn’t expecting that but — HOLY HECK YES I AM READY.

Is she fucking the father? That's the only theory I can come up with for why this vile moron seems more concerned about the father getting what he wants instead of what's best for the kids. Judges like her are evil. That sounds hyperbolic but until you've dealt with a judge or a police officer or any person with

These kinds of comments piss me off. Yes, sure, his comments sparked ire, but to say something like this implies that this action is deserved. It isn’t.

I cannot recommend GANGSTA enough to anyone who’s willing to dive into the manga - seriously, if you’re wanting to check out the anime, read the manga. Easily one of the best seinen stories out there in years (that and Dogs Bullets and Carnage).

I hope they do bring this game westward.

you appeal to the lowest common denominator because the LCD, by definition, covers the largest market.