Where the hell does all the Jim Sterling hate come from? His is, without a doubt, one of my favorite video game journalists, and I've read a couple of his reviews, both of which seemed entirely normal and fair. Everything I see about him is just pure hate, but nobody ever gives a reason.
Oh man, the number of times a person has wished that an anime wasn't censored...
An eastern game win an award? While I'd hope so, it is unlikely.
This episode was glorious in every conceivable way. It's so hilariously aware of its own tropes.
All males telling us why its dumb girls are offended, yep im sure were really going to get some real sincere and respectful comments in here.
You missed "doesn't have a spine." (Though I'm almost okay with this, since his men look ridiculous, too.)
Don't underestimate us! Whether it be time, space, or alternate realities, they mean nothing to us. We will pierce the path and methods you've chosen! That is who we are, the Kotaku Brigade™!
I just had some last night. With a little bit* of bourbon added.
Obligatory "Stupid robbers clearly don't know what next-gen is and looked at the wrong consoles..." comment fron the WiiU fanboy.
Nope. I'm still getting a Wii U.
Especially that Mako.
Love is a virtue, but desires can be selfish, and I don't mean lust. Although it's okay to cherish somebody, our modern (at least American) society considers the limitation of another person's freedom and choice something that is particularly evil (see: Bruce Almighty for a comedy version of this). Thus to love…