
1. Find out she’s been cheating.

How to they get this information? I would guess that they use a phone’s location data and add up how many phones are there at any given time, but is it really that simple?

Hi Dr. Schultz,

My forehead and nose are really oily. I’ve used those oil pads to remove them but oil comes back pretty quick. Is my body producing to much oil and what can I do for it?

If I were to walk on eggshells and edit all of my content before saying it aloud, wouldn’t that be even MORE insulting? Editing myself would presume that you are an overly sensitive twit who needs special handling, rather than just another person. Please, learn to take it as a compliment when people tell you seemingly

I'm not sure how beneficial this is. I kind of would have preferred a chart that let you choose what kind of tasks you wanted to perform, not the specs. I can't imagine many people really care about the speed of the processor or the DPI of the screen as long as they know whether they can watch HD video, or create

Getting a cat to do what you want it to do–you guys are so funny. Your best strategy is to wait until it does what you want on its own, then take credit for it.

Just count your calories and eat whatever the fuck you want without going over your 'caloriebudget'.

I'm fat as fuck. I've been working out 3X/week for the last 5 months (cardio and weight training) and I haven't lost any weight at all. I feel 100% better, my back doesn't hurt, and I don't get winded as easily anymore, but I just can't bring myself to eat better. It's so expensive to eat right, but I can get a pizza

Would be cool if it worked in other languages too... Like dutch.