
How come none of these slick new chat apps are built on IRC? :/

But, but I have great ideas! Like a cloud-based mmo with pirate dinosaurs, and everyone levels up with these huge branching skill trees, but the focus of the game is balanced combat where everyone can fly! And all I need are a bunch of people that can figure out how to actually do all of the coding, artwork, sound,

TL;DR If you have no tangible skills and are just an “idea guy,” as 90% of the people who think they want to make videogames are, then no. If you actually have a skill, along with a detailed plan including design documents, timeframe and budget then still probably no but maybe.

As you may have heard, Gawker Media, which owns Lifehacker, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection today. Chapter 11 allows a company to restructure while continuing normal operations, and that’s what we’ll do.

Well, I wouldn’t call this a Desktop App.

This has a lot of merit coming from the guy that uses the current year as a logical fallacy...

“At this point, would it kill Apple to release an iMessage dealy for Windows?”

Nah not true on android it costs

The world would be quite different if 20 minutes watching Youtube could actually change your life.


Seems so obvious, now that I think about it...makes a helluva lot of damn sense.

If you re-read, it seems you're asking your friends to be the ones to make concessions for you, not really the other way around.

Your post definitely didn’t come across that way. From what I can see, you have several eccentricities, which is not that uncommon, but you are specifically asking everyone around you to adjust to you, while not mentioning anything about how you are also willing to adjust to their eccentricities.

I employ a different strategy — I try to not be a high maintenance pain in the ass. Seems to have worked out pretty well so far.

Me, me, me, me. The narcissism is strong with this one.

The constant “It’s $10, who cares?” mantra I see in these posts is such a weird contradiction to everything else that finds its way into the Lifehacker feed. I wonder how much landfill is created on this day alone by people buying junk like this that they will use twice and never again.

The constant “It’s $10, who cares?” mantra I see in these posts is such a weird contradiction to everything else

Wow, “Foods like rice, oatmeal, potatoes, and huge salads made with green leafy vegetables are successful because they are effective at keeping people full, due to their high food volume-to-calorie ratio”

I love how tech bloggers live in a little bubble and think Macs are really a choice in the mainstream world. I hate to break it to you, but the world uses Windows computers. Macs are a niche market. The real choice consumers are going to make are between the Surface Book and other Windows laptops.