
Potentially wicked delayed response, not sure when you posted this, but thanks for that link. I think someone already hooked me up with this before, I'll have to check, but good to have just in case.

Want to make money? Stop waisting it on these ads.

What about the original locker service, Amazon cloud Player? I keep it and Google Music in sync, although find Amazon to be more reliable. It also integrates with new Amazon MP3 purchases, has mobile apps, is free, and for many early adapters no storage limits.

This "Creepy OLD Guy" is 42. What are you trying to say? According to this, my family is damn ancient.

It should be by then, though. Hang around this place and you'll be sure to get an invite as soon as you can.

VOTE: Google Calendar.

"Yeah, it's that time of year."

Not that way, but think an iOS jailbreak app that lets you take stuff off your iOS device and move it to a computer. Not necessarily another device.

Is there a way to get copies of them off your device and onto, say, a computer?

I voted interface, but of there's absolutely no functionality behind an interface then there's no use for the app at all. I don't just use..Chrome, for example, because I think the interface is very nice. There's also some solid functionality behind the user interface.

This seems like a better solution than my current Evernote clip + dropbox link. Not as intricate as Skitch, but seems really good for free.

Saw this on twitter a while ago. Classic.

Yes, I would assume so.

Well this is unfortunate. Maybe a last shipment was just sent out and it'll include one that comes around here...?

...and there goes adaptation by people like us. Good luck.


Alright. Makes sense.

This is crazy. I'm not spending a dollar on something as simple as video chat. I can do this with any other app, and ones I use more frequently, for free.

"with a gun stuffed in HER underwear."

What exactly are the reasons for the switch? Why would Apple want to start this?