
I follow Meghan’s press a bit because we have an alma mater in common, and this is really mostly about the Daily Mail. While the Sun and the Mirror have posted some negativish stories, the leader of the pack is the Mail and Piers Morgan. I wish we could really examine his behavior - and I’ve said this before - as a

And fuck this anti-bullying bitch for this both sides idiocy”

I don't see any malice in this. He's trying to figure what the hell language means in the face of rapid change. It's a reasonable argument to make even if you disagree with it, and it might be the ONLY argument to make in light of the limits of the case before the judge.

This is a fine expectation for social norms.

Friendly reminder. Transpeople make up just 0.3 percent of the population and it’s ridiculous to change everything to suit their needs.

Cool story!

“The board being only four people, I realize now, made them almost like a mean girls clique.”
Not going to debate the other points you made, but I will say that this here is sexist tripe.

This is the Women’s March’s attempt at a refresh being as acceptable and non-threatening to the mainstream as possible so they can all get PAID.

Terrible. Why is it that every single organic movement we have is ultimately leveled and made into a corporate gig for connected folx?

This is such a classic case of an extremely local incident with a lot of context being misrepresented. The first part of this is that people have literally been arrested for eating on DC’s metro. In one infamous case a person was stopped because she hadn’t finished chewing before going through the turnstile. Lots and

You’re right, coach. When I think “accountability,” I think Michigan State.

OTOH: Diane is a grown ass woman and an extremely long-serving Senator. If anybody should know how to choose her words, it should be her. Why are we holding kids to a higher standard?

“White women don’t have the history, or the baggage of growing up with visible body hair”

“Well, you see, technically they’re not forced to stay there. It’s just the nobody will let them leave”. Oh, fucking spare me.

It’s a giant concentration camp.

How utterly disappointing that the one man who contributed to this list-Rich Juzwiak- treated the assignment as a joke. Are you fucking kidding me? The pimple popping lady?!

This all boils down to ego because she’d then have to admit that she received something that she didn’t deserve all be it unknowingly

Those two tribes use blood percentage and don’t allow members lower than 1/4 while Cherokee Nation doesn’t and has members with lower percentages than displayed in Warren’s DNA test (as in as low as zero percent - yeah, zero). Of course, the former tribes are going to be significantly smaller and the latter will have

She’s not claiming Native culture. I said that word-for-word like two sentences later.

There is nothing in this story about Trump offering to pay a million dollars if she could prove her heritage. She planned to give it to charities and also a chance to stick it to Trump.