
The writer, Mariah Smith, is black, but the Cut’s editors, and their perspective, are mostly white.”

Came here to say that.  The insinuation that a black woman can’t be racist and/or xenophobic and/or out of touch is incredibly bizarre.  

The writer, Mariah Smith, is black, but the Cut’s editors, and their perspective, are mostly white.

You keep bringing up worker exploitation at places like Amazon - yet you think when sex is being sold for profit suddenly capitalism is a coddling protector?

I mean, there is a difference between having a opinions and judging another woman’s decisions, and trying to outright stop women from making choices you disagree with.

I’m a feminist and I support reproductive rights and I don’t think that sex work, or prostitution, is an awesome career choice that we should all celebrate. No. No No. I’m in favor of whatever social services can make sex workers safe and preserve their health. I will advocate for all the girls and women who deal in

Once again jezebel, third-wave rag, writes about sex worker by featuring white, well-paid, women. A woman who would have other economic options. Never the women in brothels who are billed for every tampon they use and leave more broken and (literally) broke than when they entered. Or the numerous places where sex work

There are stigmas related to just about every aspect of pregnancy and motherhood. I don’t care if she’s a sex worker as her regular day job, but yeah I’ll judge the hell out of her for doing it while pregnant if there’s even a <.0001% chance it could harm the baby. I would judge any working mom whose job put the baby

so... u don’t have to call is usher’s best song? i’m pretty sure that’s not even the best song from that album, let alone all the bangers on confessions.

Well this article is embarrassing as shit

Yeah, Kanye’s descent into insanity has not won him any favors at The Root.

But let’s not pretend Taylor Swift can ever do any right here.

Were did he get all these films from? Ripping from a DVD is hard these days. So, I’m amazed he had such a collection.

Looks like I triggered a Berner. LOL!

I swear 2018 has given us some weird ass hills to die on.

I have no strong opinions on Sam Smith OR Micheal Jackson musically - but I definitely don’t see a problem with not being a fan of Micheal Jackson! He was almost definitely a child molester. And I feel like that’s just been glossed over now that he’s dead. You can’t look at this ‘me too’ thing and NOT think ‘hey maybe

yeah, i do not understand america’s fucking tax laws. why is anyone under- or over-withheld? do they (the irs? my employer? idk who even “they” is) not know how much tax should be withheld on each paycheck? could they not that, and then there’s no tax day?

That’s transparently a semantic, move-the-goalposts, cop-out of a bet because you specifically name Kim and you specifically say lead and you specifically name yourself even though this was initially about all of the Kardashians/Jenners (Chyna too dont @ me) and all of the coverage from all the Jez staff. But hell, I’l

Personally I like when Jez pretends they’re sick of things they continue to cover ad infinitum

Maybe because she wished she could make a cake for her best friend and celebrate with her so she did it even if they couldn’t be together? If I was away from my best friend on my birthday and she baked a cake and decorated it in honor of me, I’d be filled with warm and fuzzy feelings because my friend was thinking of

Reading the piece you linked in your update, I’m struck by the fact that Young was apparently deeply affected by a close family member of his being raped when he was younger. How can you see that and still go on to commit that act? For me personally the rape is a whole different kind of act from a murder. There is no