
Such a disappointment. It would have been so good if he came to your house and handed it over in the postgame.

Announcing that they’re revoking Blitzchung’s suspension would be a good start towards showing actual remorse.

I’m annoyed by how the video included everything BUT her in Sombra costume saying Sombra lines in Sombra voice.

Ironically they removed dirty rat which was some one who could stop degenerate comboes with almost 0 counterplay 

Okay, I lost it at the Naminé ship.

I have one word for them that I would really like COD to go back to - SIMPLIFY.

Project Aces gonzo world where the last 60 years of jets can all intermingle in a fever dream of juxtaposed alternate earth reality is amazing and just a wonderfully strange Japanese interpretation of warfare and history.

Yeah. That’s nice. Sure.

Hot damn. Ace Combat 7. Been looking forward to that one for a while. About time we had a proper Ace Combat game and not the gritty mess that was Assault Horizon.

They cant bring themselves to admit that the evil gamers were right. 

Man interesting that you note that “you don’t have the full story” here, when you have even more information than you did when you mounted your soapbox earlier.

Nice strawman you've got there. 

I like nothing about this except Gina Rodriguez getting more work.

Wow. I didn’t know that there was a Deus Ex crossover going on. 

A question none of these articles has answered so far: has any of them actually have a copyright over the thing they are suing about?

God the flying bikes were such bullshit. Fucking impossible to hit and they just spam you with rockets. If you manage to finally shoot it down their insurance charges you $15k and they almost immediately get new bike to continue to harass you with.

Yeah, like how GTA Online “balanced out” by becoming a playground for rich trolls with flying bikes and orbital weapon strikes.

Maybe I am the minority but I prefer women who don’t like makeup. The excuse that makeup helps build confidence is a lie in every way imaginable.

Gritty kind of reminds me of Clarence from Wonder Showzen

Here’s to hoping that Mass Effect Andromeda will help ease the pain, provided that EA doesn’t stain it too much with their grubby, greasy, corporate fingers.