
In the US, yes, but in the rest of the world they're getting murdered (for lack of a better term) to the tune of a 2:1 to 4:1 ratio depending on the country.

Because Microsoft needs it to sell Xbox Ones. Tons of them.
They can PR speak around this all day long but they're not fooling anybody.

NeoGAF hates it!


This type of shit ruins the creativity of developers. Where are the risks devs are willing to take if they're afraid of being fined if a gamble fails? At least Dynasty Warriors tries to add in massive new modes and experiments with gameplay features .. Call of Duty barely does even that.

One of the rare things I, as an Old Fart am really truly grateful from newfangled technologies is instant autosave function in most of the games. Even those old-gen xbox mandatory messages at the start about "when you see this icon, the system is saving" are outdated. With modern components you can practically ignore

Deadspin has reached out to the handrail for comment, and will keep us updated.

"...maybe if I would have treated 'er better she would have stayed. Aww hell, it's hard workin' 12 hour days, and you come home and all you want to do is relax and have a beer, and she's wantin to go out to the dance clubs. And she knew I hated that rap shit. I just...I just wish she would have got off my back you

Oh yay, it's today's mandatory article about men being assholes in every form of media and women being victims in everything.

Just to be clear, you have to purchase a digital copy on last gen to receive the free upgrade. Hard copies from physical retailers like Gamestop and Amazon will not get upgrades.

Your list is wrong. The most robust is DOA.


From what I've read yeah all of it does, thankfully. That woulda sucked otherwise.

But... it's so cute! Even with that eerie... deadpan smile... uh oh...

He's also pretty happy, probably just got rid of that John Conner kid.

Well they do know their audience. A knight vs knight battle or a bobsled tech demo of Project Morpheus surely can be interesting for everyone but no, Sony wants the big crowds trying this new hardware. And what brings bigger crowds than sexy schoolgirls you can leer at? Sony's up to something!

It's always who you least suspect.

she took one look at this line up and said "that's cute." and walked away.

Aw, no mention of the CLOTHES BEAM from DBZ?