
No argument here. I love the indies and JRPGs, but Sony has done a piss poor job of leveraging their own IP on the system, let alone inducing 3rd parties to.

I love my Vita to bits, but I can count the number of unique AAA games on my fingers. Wasn't that what the Vita's original aim was? To deliver rich, deep, console-worthy experiences on the go?

That's a lot of ports.

I think it's a combination of factors:

Oh come now Sam. You're really outraged because you're paid to take any opportunity, no matter how trivial and slight, to be outraged.

Oh, Luke, luke, luke. Using a cheap, quick headline in order to equate all Sonic fans with crap like this, in order to get another easily butthurt fanbase to come running and give you hits? So. Much. Clickbait. Dear god, so much clickbait. Oh, and i'm sure having the opportunity to include Oculus Rift in the title

Correct. It is supposed to help you understand those who are less privileged so that you gain a better respect. Also, you are training your body and mind to be more under control.

haven't played Agent Under Fire, but you're absolutely right in general. That's what was famously lacking with the bosses in Deus Ex: HR

Lots of examples from this series. Honestly though? It's still my favorite and always will be:)

Watching her go up in a puff of green tatters (lol, T rated game) was so satisfying.

That game was awesome.

Maybe better boss fights would be better boss fights.

Don't be ridiculous, Mexico was "handed" a spot in the World Cup by the US and have gone on to terrorize Brazil and dominate Croatia. You take what you can get when chances only come once every 4 years.

Oh man. I can't wait to play the part where Jenny gets AIDS.

Well, at least she's upfront about why her life sucks as opposed to those irritating people who simply post: ":"( or "I am over it!!11!!". And then proceed to not say and/or answer one of the five million "OMG ARE YOU OK??" "Whats up girl, what happened??" that people comment below it.

Wait, I can win "the Assassin's Creed Studio in Montreal"?

I didn't even know rototiller was a move until now. Why would they add such bad, situational moves into the game!?

What, are they not females?

I laughed beer out of my mouth...thank you!

You know this isn't a problem, and i get it could be a fabrication error but at that price, this machine has to be flawless.