
So... totally eradicating everything that made Saints Row 2 amazing from SR3 and replacing it with more obnoxious "look at how edgy and lewd we are" filler was fine and dandy ...

inb4 over saturation of "VALVE CAN/CANNOT COUNT TO 3" jokes

... I saw that image as I was scrolling down and I got prematurely hype thinking that it was news on a TF2 update.

To balance out all the Apple worship on Gizmodo. Duh.

That's it. Video games are over. Shut everything down. Close down every studio.

I would play the ever-loving fuck out of Deep Blue Creed...

See, THIS is what happens when you don't include Crash or Spyro in a Playstation fighting game.

Is this going to be another case of "HERE COMES THE WoW KILLER!", like what happened with Rift?

Haven't had one of these in a good while.

Getting a major "No More Heroes" vibe from this. Love it.

... but does it come with horse armor?

Dammit, you can't make a 3D Doritos Taco! It would become too unstable, collapse into itself, and tear a hole in the fabric of space-time!

One can hope...

Lumines Electronic Symphony, Sound Shapes, and Wipeout 2048 are good if you can get them cheap.

It's very, very rare when I do in-app-purchases, but watching Usain Bolt run from a giant demonic monkey is too fucking hilarious to pass up.

I see your Intellivision controller and raise you a Virtual Boy!

I still can't get over the fact that her name is actually Anna.

Hey, you can take solace in the notion that they're (hopefully) using the time to make the game as polished and awesome and not-terrible as possible. :D

Both ways.