
Funky. Are all the ones in black shorter than the white? Or am I just suffering from weird optical illusions? I' thinking the first, since they seemed to have picked for height...

@aceshigh521: And a wheeled vehicle's not a sitting duck when it loses a wheel?

Bowlines were taught to me as 'rescue knots' back in the days of scouting, since you can tie one and pull someone up by the loop without it cinching across their waist and squeezing them in half. If you're the one being rescued, it's fairly simple to tie the knot one handed if the other end is kept somewhat taut.

@LP4600: Sort of like hookers vs. paid companionship, yes?

The game looks so much nicer in motion than it does in still screens. Screenshots hardly do it justice. Can't wait to get my hands on this game.

So it's like a spiffy windows Eye Toy software for generic webcams? Neat. Checking it out as soon as I get back to my dorm.

Interesting. I've sort of disliked icons in my tray, though. Having all the tiny things there makes it feel... cluttered, which is dismaying when all those fun little utilities that tweak the desktop insist on having their own tray icons.

I'd be wary of this sort of thing. If you cut out too much of the fluff and buffer, you could run the risk of overwhelming the reader, or making the reading too dry to really make the reader care...

Her eyes are black and suck in my soul. Seriously. Where'd the whites of her eyes go?

Well, at least Sakura looks less like Ryu in a school uniform now...

Hallelujah! The first one is one of the funner games one the Wii!

So how much did the cookies and pringles cost in the end?

Interesting. Nicely done, though it doesn't look like you could pull it off with a smaller resolution or a laptop integrated graphics without things getting hot (for the preview thumbs and such).

@Hauler: Yes he does. o.o;

@KEFIOX: You can. You just can't play online if you use the disk on its own. Reread, please!

Wow, the themes have made progress in the past 1-2 years.

@Lazlo: You don't have to like an article's subject to comment on it.

@hahnchen: One handed Hadoukens? His fighting style's awfully different from his students. o.o