
@theblur3419: Have to blow stuff to advance? Sounds like certain people in management positions...

@gaiking: How about I put some... ellipses here...

@Benjo: You seem to be confused as to what the words "no contest" means.

@Dappa: Why would I want to fight pussies?

I would love to comment on this article, but first:

My mouse of choice right now is a Logitech VX Nano. Has that oh-so-fun-to-fiddle-with weighted scroll, and I can jam my laptop in with the receiver and not worry about things breaking. I just sort of wished that there was a bluetooth variation of this mouse.

An accident or a lawsuit?


I thought the game art was okay, except for Ryu's constipation face...

What is that on the bottom left corner? A hand? A flower?

@Shiryu: Good, because taking a hammer to it is exactly how one would fail to accomplish this mod.

It does matter, for things like resources and what you can do with them. I'm using Vista for now because I want my photoshop, I love the tablet support, and everyone writes their games for Windows (except those odd people who code Mac-only games because of mac pride or something). If it weren't for these three

@dowingba: Please, record said cat playing. It would inevitably gain scores, nay, scores of scores of views.

I just wish either Firefox or Chrome would have just the native option to choose where the tabs open (I like mine to open next to the current tab)...

@Mobus: How is that sexist, exactly? Sure, it's an asshole comment to make, but it's not sexist. Sexism is judging something based solely on sex. If he were gay and said the same thing of a man he found shallow yet physically attractive (his opinion, not mine), would he be sexist?

I wonder if Chrome'll start getting bogged down in plugins...

Mounting other players isn't really unique... Mabinogi (the versions farther ahead in the Generation Patches) has Giants, and Giant characters can carry around non-Giant characters on their shoulders.

@IAmNotKira: There are region specific servers. NA servers only accept NA and Australia, Japan only accepts Japan IPs, and Korean servers only accept Korean peoples.