
When is 'back in the day'? They teach you to not use tourniquets in Boy Scouts now.

Nice. Read this in Reader, conveniently enough. I now have a ninja theme...

Nexon has been thriving off of free-to-play business models with Maplestory and Mabinogi (which I play). If you make the game enjoyable while free, but much more so with small payments, then you could nickel and dime a player into paying more than they would for a monthly payment system.

I tend to find that you have a smaller chance of running into a dick on an MMO than you are in an FPS. Or at least, less frustrating ones.

I need to work on my late-night reading skills. At first I thought the news post meant that nothing'd kill you. Then the big wave of extinctiony doom wiped over me, and I stood corrected whilst my dino lied dead.

@Odin: Heck, if I had the money to invest in videogames, I certainly wouldn't target the Europe market. The Europe market is much too much effort for the size of the thing- so many different languages and an extra fun of new standards when you could easily top that and more with English and Japanese language markets

Haha, you guys need a video to detail the details about the video! How many of you noticed how they spelt 'logo'?

That is... incredibly creepy.

I've done Sabayon for the few escapades into Linux that I've done, but now that Ubuntu's jumped aboard Compiz, I think that it'll be my choice should I ever go back.

Tablet support is better. Much better.

You're all being silly. Nipples are as much a myth as the female orgasm.

It'd be interesting to see a gme that had some gym tie-ins that did this sort of thing. Like, you'd get a gym membership and an MMO for a monthly fee, and your character reflects your own stats in the gym.

@Green-clad Gamer Dude: If you watch the video, he himself actually says something along the lines that game developers don't really care, (and that they'd care even less about the people hatemailing him).

@Daisuash: Saying "It'd be bad without the characters" is like saying that GTA would be bad without the use of gangs, guns, hookers, or its strange sense of humor. It's silly, and it's a 'what-if' question that ranks up there with "What if Yahtzee had been born black, poor, and retarded?"

@JWo: Worked with a jelly-bean iMac. Also have friends with mac laptops. They all have one button for a mouse, and a strange gesture to fake a right click. Or otherwise bought a Microsoft mouse.

There's two buttons. It's obviously not a true mac.

I use Earth whenever I need directions to a place, which isn't that often...

Speaking of Google and documents...

@njguy: I was about to say that this is what I'd really want for an offline Docs program.