
Everything I do at my site (shameless plug: []) is hand coded- the PHP, the html, css, everthing. Rather painfully so.

My tablet came with Vista. The only problem I had with Vista was when I tried to use GParted with its partition, which apparently is a very bad thing to do.

I don't remember TMP letting you select multiple tabs. That, and TMP still isn't on board with FF3.

You sharpen these things just like pocket knives, huh? Except more keen (less durable) and apparently much more expensive. Too bad I don't shave with the regularity that actually costs me that much money.

He said "Sake" as "Saki". I'm saddened.

I've got enter set to make new tabs by default, and my switch-tab buttons are F2 and F3 (a remnant from another, obscure browser from ages past). I have a habit of scrolling through all my pages and refreshing them before checking them one at a time.

Screw the inner chemist. Use the roommate chemical engineer!

Those don't seem like eyemasks to me somehow.

I totally misread the title at first. I thought when they said "Open Office 2007", they were talking about some weird version of

My immediate goals fit on a sticky note in my Windows Sidebar. You can send it to other people, instead of just using it for yourself.

Hmm. Interesting, though I agree with Narsil, it doesn't seem practical for a college student to undertake. I think I would, personally, go insane, or possibly miss deadlines or the like. It looks a bit like breaking a drug addition, really.

The phrase 'towel monkey' made my day. Thanks.

Voted Getting Things Done... for "Outsourcing your life" to be overrated, it has to be actually considered highly amongst people first, right? I've never heard of it before, personally.

Neat. My writing does need some work...

I seem to do the opposite of the ten minute rule... I set my clock intentionally 10 minutes early with an alarm, and then another alarm on the actual time I intend to wake up. That way, I get about 10 minutes to go from dead asleep to dozing to finally actually awake.

Neat. Thanks muchly. Commenting to mark for later referral.