Nooo! Not my $11!
Nooo! Not my $11!
I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.
Yeah, because it was Cutler out there calling running plays with :54 left in the game, down by 6, with 56 yards to go and two time outs. That’s not a Lovie Smith or Trestman thing.
They will tell you that they do background checks and thorough psyche evals and they do. The sort of person who is willing to do what is shown in the video is exactly what they select for.
If only the university had Gremlins to send in after Fraternities behaving like this!
This is really the best response.
this has gotta get bumped to the top. shit, i like want to offer these women a place to stay or really afraid for them.
Once again:
It's worse than a crock of bullshit, it's genuinely harmful.
nope because it is a complete crock of bullshit
Am I the only one who thinks Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” movement (or whatever you want to call it) is a complete crock of bullshit?
Yeah, the director’s vision is important because it makes the movie, but hold up. This isn’t what happened on PG.
Project Greenlight is a waste of time.
“Bother to show up” is poor wording that places far too much blame on a community that suffers poor job security, a lack of childcare options, and their fair share of well-earned disillusionment. Of course the answer is getting more Latinos out to vote. But it’s not a matter of “bothering” when the median income for…
Nope. I think he could win in a general election. I am only worried about his chances of winning the primary.
Bernie is basically america’s favorite hoody. A little worn out, totally worn in, too old to care about appearances, and an intrinsic statement on income inequality.
You got it right, ReflectedSky! +1 You need more stars NOW.
I suspect at least some of the bump was because she came across as smart and knowledgable in the debate, especially compared to the others. That probably did pick up some support from more reasonable voters. But after the debate, it became clear that she was just making shit up as she went along—not just about PP but…
she wouldn’t admit that she’d been caught in a misstatement
It’s not THAT bad. I made it to 4 paragraphs and I only have cancer.