
A point that a fair number of readers seem not to be getting is this: The problem isn’t that journalists made jokes about a grim story. The problem is that they based their jokes on pretty much all the facts and backstory of the story except for the single most salient and chronically overlooked one, and in so doing

What I don’t understand is how ESPN claims to be Apolitical. They clearly lean to the southern conservative demo. Which is fine, if you own it. They aren’t necessarily afraid of offending “anyone” they are afraid of offending SEC fans and Tebow-maniacs.

That’s why it’s time to feel the Bern

By all means vent. As a Canadian I sit back and poke fun because its not my country. But I’ve been down there quite a bit and it’s crazy how every little thing is backed by capitalism, or however you want to say it. So many people get screwed and the excuse is just that its the “American Way” or dream or whatever

Psssst, that’s because, when you get down to it, it’s not about saving the lives of the unborn, it’s about controlling and punishing women’s sexuality.

A: Fuck these people.

I wonder if insane gerrymandering has anything to do with the uptick in far right crazies in Congress. Moderate GOP’ers thought they were assuring their party’s future in Washington by cultivating Republican districts; what they were doing was encouraging its rightward move and their own demise.

I give Johnny a ton of credit. He had an objectively horrible job, and he kept at it for years because he knew he was the only person standing in the way of what *THOSE* Republicans wanted to do.


I like to point out the recent massacres of Muslims committed by Buddhists in Burma as a way to blow “lol religion of peace” morons’ minds.

A billion dollar fine isn’t a serious consequence?

And it’s necessary to feed the war/defense contractors, weapon-builders, keep the Israeli war government going, and Fox News yelling about boogeymen everywhere.

That’s amazing and very illuminating.

Actually, I find it believable that a coach ordered them to do it. This was calculated. If it was a spontaneous reaction to something, then I’d think they acted on their own.
The world of high school football is asshole deep in flaming asshole coaches, especially in Texas.

That’s a common misperception based on the idea that Latin=Catholic=GOP. However, several polls have showed that latino voters are, on average, left of center on far more issues than just immigration.

There’s also different dynamics within the Latino community that we don’t really appreciate.

It’s like the NYT doesn’t even understand the concept of internalised misogyny.

That was a weird article. The first para of Jeremy Peter’s story set up a narrative of Fiorina doing for women and the GOP what Marco Rubio was supposed to do for Latino voters, but further into the story Peters points out the problems the Republicans have with reproductive rights and all the positive quotes only come

I’m beginning to think the NFL is more concerned with making money than it is in humanity’s collective quality of life.