I don’t think I told OP to stay in their lane.
I find the “Stay in Your Lane” argument pedantic and disingenuous. Furthermore, the saga related to Federal wiretapping/electronic monitoring (whether you believe the claims justified or not) is pretty clearly tech-related. Tech and politics aren’t mutually exclusive.
Were you decieved by the title? Why not just skip over it if it isn’t a topic you wanted to read about? I somehow doubt that you just HAVE to read every article on Giz.
I was always a fan of the softcore corn fetish genre of music videos.
It’s like a player getting angry at a paying fan at any sporting event for being obnoxious. It also ruins the experience of other paying spectators.
You clearly haven’t met enough academics.
Setting the bar high doesn’t mean it isn’t utilitarian. It just means that the benefits are weighed against burdens, as opposed to only considering the burdens. Transparency is also fundamental to a functioning democracy. Talking about bribery (as in quid pro quo) in this context is a straw man. The conversation is…
I’m missing where he dismisses automation. Artificial intelligence and automation are two different things.
Limits on campaign spending (or campaign speech) are clearly unconstitutional, however. The “problem” that they are meant to address is that the speaker will inordinately influence an election, but that is clearly not a constitutionally valid reason for limiting speech.
1) Why is it unrealistic?
Project Ara was so thoroughly doomed that even one of nature’s most resilient creatures couldn’t survive when integrated with it.
I hear luxury balls work well.
As someone with a PhD, I worked hard for that title (though I only use it when I book plane tickets that ask for Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr.). It’s just kind of tacky to announce your title, MDs included. It’s just normalized for MDs to be called Doctor Soandso.
Gizmodo merged with io9 a while back. It includes science now.
I weigh(ed) 155 lbs. I don’t think normal doses of caffeine (stimulants) are supposed to give you nystagmus.