Note to Bungie: make a Link shader (and name it something clever).
Note to Bungie: make a Link shader (and name it something clever).
I think you’ve found the opening sequence for Destiny 2.
The damage reduction and/or the range and movement speed of stormtrance should be nerfed. I was hoping they would balance stormtrance at the same time as hammer of sol. Alas, it was not to be. They should also make the nightstalker tethers decrease armor or damage output, but not both.
Who’s the lucky guy who got to pick up the “time bombs” after the show that hadn’t yet gone off?
I thought level boosters were confirmed from the near beginning. Honestly, I’m okay with both, since both level boosting and telemetries have almost no substantive effect on the economy or metagame, and these effects cost a minimal time investment in the game otherwise.
At least that wasn’t a non-crit OHKO.
1) Would make a sweet Halloween costume.
I’d kinda hoped there’d be one big event this cycle that changed the public events with some new missions. With little events like Festival of the Lost (meh, IMHO), secret missions, and some experimental events like sparrow racing. I didn’t expect a new public area before D2.
Dark Cloud may be the last straw for me to upgrade to a PS4 (when I have the bread).
To be fair, I believe it’s spelled mayne.
I feel the same about people who clap palm-to-palm.
Good thing I brought my Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
Watching that really makes me dislike the terrible radar, slow grenade release, and trigger delay in Destiny...
I was kind of hoping they were gonna drop a ship on him.
You mean the Sleeper Simulant?
Dark Cloud and Super Mario RPG references? Perfect.
And shotguns. And Stormtrance.
The difference being that there are multiple ways to tackle Dark Souls bosses and really only one way to beat each level like this.