
Yes, different in the same way that a rifle is different than a pellet gun.

Still going to be the go-to for soloing nightfall strikes. Will just take more patience. I’m fine with that. I like the Thorn stacking DoT, too. Hopefully it also stacks with burning DoT now.

I also like the combined weapon. And the combined weapon clashes less with the teal and red than teal clashes with red.

Aside from the best possible outcome being inferior, the margin for error on a well-done steak is also much smaller than a mid-rare/medium steak.

I have to say, the “raw flour” taste is awful. But raw cookie dough does not taste like raw flour. I’m guessing that hydrated flour does not taste like raw flour.

Sony’s VR headset turned me into a flying horse.

I think the point of the article is that the scale and degree of risk has grown to be unsustainable. Not that concurrency never existed before.

Also, assists count. So, it’s really not that hard, even without dirty dirty camping. Even with a hunter, it shouldn’t be too bad with a void primary.

One of the earliest known video game dicks is, unsurprisingly, also a controversial one. Custer's Revenge was an Atari 2600 game that starred none other than George Armstrong Custer himself. The goal of the game was to make it across the screen to a tied up Native American woman, all while avoiding arrows. If Custer

What's the difference between this and the PSone Classic version I downloaded on my PS3?

Reduce acetaldehyde levels: Newer research published in Food & Function suggests that hangovers are primarily caused by an enzyme known as alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). The liver releases this enzyme to convert alcohol into another chemical acetaldehyde. Researchers found that if they reduced the time that acetaldehyde

That really is dependent upon the variation in your population. For the stuff done in my lab (materials chemistry) a sample size of 5 is more than sufficient for most measurements (and 1 is often acceptable) because my samples are uniform and effectively identical. For a human population there's going to be little

Accepts games in all conditions, though values will reduce significantly if disc is cracked or scratched, and slightly if game is missing artwork or case

You mean players trying to deliberately ruin it? Syncing all of the weapons fire to the rhythm would largely fix that.

Or if it's all just synced to the rhythm, e.g. a machine gun playing 32nd/64th notes would seem to fire normally if it were delayed to be on-rhythm but wouldn't grind on your temporal sense like if it were random/off rhythm.