"The bastard never saw it coming."
"The bastard never saw it coming."
[headline on Deadspin Australia]
This is a prelude to their plan to lure Aldon Smith to the team when he eventually hits free agency.
After seeing those earrings, it's hard to argue with that criminal accessory charge.
We get it, you have a beard and it makes you quirky.
Sweet f***ing Buddha, I don't care how good the high is, it's not worth it.
It amazes me how much knowledge these people have of Hitler.
Christ, can't people just keep their anti-social, vile, and scumbaggy impulses to internet comment boards like the rest of us.
thereby reiterating the fact that nothing good can come from three months of brewing in Milwaukee.
Worker: [collapses]
If guns are meant to keep the government honest, I don't think it's working.
Goddamn Republicans. This show makes me want to shoot an elephant in the face.
"The Wilfs are seeking up to $250 in a private loan to cover the remainder."
Who knew
Skip isn't so different from a Methodist minister: spewing unverifiable, zealous praise for a religious figure crucified at the hands of so-called Patriots.
"Rock never let me down."
Craig James: Hey, Bieber fans, wanna buy a one-year subscription to Sports Illustrated? [pauses, smiles nervously] Seriously though, if I don't sell six of these before the end of the day they're coming to take my house.
John McCain now pushing for air strikes of Chavez Ravine.