That must've been some filthy trash talk to have to clean their mouths out with bleach.
This is advocating for the 'sit-to-wipe' method. Otherwise it's homosexual propoganda.
I have a three year old, and I can count the number of times that the missus has emptied and refilled the dishwasher since he's been alive on one hand.
I liked number 6.
You should see the letters to parents that don't adhere to the Christmas list.
Oscar Pistorious desperately wanted to be in the news with all the South Africa talk this week.
Or when you put up the awesome C-9 strand up on the gutter and it's.. nice, but you need more lights, so you put up another one and were anal about making the color patterns the same and now you have to get back up on the damn roof and change out every bulb because you are OCD about one fricking thing and it's your…
To be fair, Bizsnap the dancing Yiddish clown was never seen as that funny.
That tooth he spit out was the smartest thing to come out of an ASU graduates mouth in years.
Were this hearing held in October, he'd be boned.
Instant replay sure would cut down on the Neighborhood play around here, where the guy that starts every conversation with, 'according to Megan's law' always wants to play football with the kids around the block.
To be fair, that was East St louis...
I tore my ACL monday. He has it worse than I do, as he has to watch the Browns.
I bet this Cub thinks that Cardinals fans are insufferable, too.
It's true. I live in the suburbs and literally right next to my work, which is right next to the Rams practice facility, there is a landfill that is constantly on fire. HOLY SHIT is it terrible in the summer. And Fall. And Winter.
But.. I like living in St. Louis and rooting for the Cardinals.