
I work as a phone answerer for several companies, and we get a "your computer has a virus call" at least once a week one of the companies. I usually ask which computer has the virus and that seems to confuse them enough to hang up, but I got a pretty good one yesterday. I strung him along for about 15 minutes

So I live in Phoenix, which would great and all EXCEPT my awesome radio playing, wall projecting, automatic time setting bedroom clock doesn't have a non-DST setting. So I still have to change the time, no luck here.

I do, but it's a Pebble so I wear it for more than the time. I would have said I didn't even need it for the time, just checking emails and texts discreetly at work, until I forgot it last week and constantly had no idea what time it was.

I'm guessing they meant "drawn in Photoshop magic", though they did have an odd way of putting it. You wouldn't call it pencil magic or charcoal magic...

To be fair gals only carry purses because most of our pants/shorts/skirts have teeny tiny pockets that can barely hold a Chapstick, let alone a wallet. And that's if they aren't fake or sewn shut! However, with my incessant need to carry a leatherman, 3DS, Vita, small book, first aid kit, wallet, keys, Nexus 5, and

Yeah...pretty sure the western countries are only going to see the black option, mayyyyyybe white sometime down the line. In the meantime imma order that awesome white/blue one with my tax refund while pining for the Project Diva special edition Vita.

Some people do apparently. If you have USAA (like me) you get reimbursed for any ATM fees you might encounter. If I didn't have USAA I probably would use cash, but Mint lets me keep track of my funds just as easily IMO.

Since I've been pretty little (like 7) I've just loved pjs. I have at least 10sets now and I've been eyeing a cute Mickey Mouse shirt and capri set lately...

Just the other day my boss asked if I could get a cable to connect him to the network. I brought out a white CAT5 and he made me go back for another because "those not patterned ones don't work". Apparently solid blue is a pattern.

I have only been to one concert in my life and it was a Lindsey Sterling concert. The Mormon girl who plays violin and original songs/video game mixes. Very tame, not crazy.

Oh, I'm sure he did. My bf no longer works in the same city, but there were a lot of other crazy calls, like "zombie guy", "dude who drove on crack and got scalped", and "internal decapitation guy".

Not my story, but my bf the EMT's story

I've been saying it dawge, like Dodge Ram. I don't think it's right, but the official pronunciation of gif wrong so I'm probably in the clear.

"announce plans to always localize Tales games so fans can stop spending months of their lives worrying about every single new installment."

Resolution: For 2014, I want to pursue "more." By putting together a new proposal, I'd like to expand my horizons. When working and editing, I'd like to come up with better ideas, see if I can be more creative. Even if I think something is good, by constantly thinking "more" I believe I can make many people, including

5pb worked on Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate (two sci-fi visual novels) as well as the Corpse Party series (japanese horror), and was a part of Bravely Default as well as a few other lesser known games.

The only tiny bright spot to me is that Japan got pokemon bank so at least some pokemon are out there (even if they're not the ones I raised myself). One kind soul wonder traded me a Cyndaquil and I've used it through the GTS to get every other starter.

On the counterpoint:

Got my boyfriend a new set of headphones (for LoL) and the Zelda Wii U bundle.

The flip switch is nice, but I have a vampire electronics plug that goes over my normal electrical sockets and cuts the power to my TV, game consoles, and controller chargers after they've been on standby for 15 minutes.