
Yeah, I don't know about the model specifically but as a small chested girl I often attach the little plastic straps on strapless dresses because they won't stay up otherwise.

"Based On The PS4 Announcement, Would You Buy One?"

I seem to remember that the Tales of lead guy actually said that they were going to focus all their Tales of games onto the PS3 and handhelds recently. Poor 360 JRPG fans.

Even the multiplats tend to be a little better on the PS3, like Star Ocean International and Eternal Sonata PS3.

I was only vaguely interested in the game until I saw the English trailer, now I'm planning a day 1 purchase. I thought the commentary was hilarious in an exaggeratedly silly way.

Ah, reminds me of my college days. I could make a whole room of guys cringe just by loudly and exaggeratedly opening and closing my mouthing and making my teeth click together.

Line about feminism aside - isn't the argument that there were female executives, but none of them got to speak? If there were black, hispanic, latino, obese, and/or disabled executives that missed out as well then you question is valid, however if there aren't then it would be pretty hard to get speakers who don't

Ugh, the mile run is the worst thing ever invented. Especially since I grew up in a desert where we were expected to run a mile in 100+ degree heat. I was awesome at swimming though, why couldn't we have the mile swim?

My mum unfortunatly suffers from the "looks pretty but can't take a good photo" while I suffer from the opposite. I for sure look average and my hair won't do anything I want, but for some reason as soon as I get in front of a camera everything smooths itself out.

I will also add my agreement, probably my favorite Tales game so far.

Tales of Vesperia is awesome of course, but I love you for mentioning Eternal Sonata. Gorgeous game that no one has heard of by the sound of it.

Judging by the "2-year agreement" bit in there, I couldn't buy myself a new Virgin Mobile phone and get the gift card, could I?

Man, there are a lot of (most likely Japan only) Vita games that are coming out. Tales of Hearts R, Tales of Innocence R, SAO, Project Diva F....I know the Vita isn't region locked, but getting a hold of all these games might be a bit of a hassle.

Well, I was implying attack terrier that went for the jugular. But you do have a point, beating someone to death with a dog would be a very poor dog situation indeed.

I haven't played the AC games, but I've watched/know the basic plot to all 3 and I was discussing with a friend that most likely Desmond is an "ancestor" as well and present day in the world of these games is very far in our future.

I grew up living with my mum (my Dad was in my life, but they were divorced so I didn't see him much) and she was very open with me my whole life so I never felt awkward or nervous about asking her anything. I think in 4th grade we had that "girls time of the month" talk at school, and a little while later on a drive

Oh man, I'm so doing this next time I play Clue.

There's quite a few games that do this now, but with multiplayer, right? If you buy the game used you can play single player as much as you want, but you have to pay ~$10 for a new online code. I wonder if they plan to do something like that (assuming they implement it at all)

I have a guy friend who's older (well, 30 is older to me) and he throws out compliments to people all the time with no worries. Though he doesn't really stop to chat with them, it's more a quick "That's a lovely dress!" while passing a girl in a crosswalk then continuing on his way. As far as he's told me he's never

I would hit on men, if they weren't always beating me to the punch. In my experience, 99% of the time while I'm checking out a guy and thinking about how to approach hitting on him, he's already hitting on me.